6 April 2016
|In Our members
FEMISE is a Euro-Mediterranean network which, after eight years of operation, was established as a French non-profit organisation (pursuant to a law of 1 July 1901) in June 2005. The network comprises more than 90 members (economic research institutes), representing the 37 partners of the Barcelona Process.
FEMISE, which is coordinated by the Institut de la Méditerranée (Institute for the Mediterranean, France) and the Economic Research Forum (Egypt), has been supported by the European Commission’s MEDA regional programme since 1997.
The association had 52 founder members – non-profit Euro-Mediterranean social and economic research institutes on both sides of the Mediterranean. It has 3 main objectives:
- to conduct social and economic research and issue recommendations on issues deemed crucial for the future of the Euro-Mediterranean region;
- to publish this research and distribute it to national or multilateral public and private institutions, as well to the academic world;
- to strive for the widest possible distribution by the most appropriate means.