By a governance which translates both the significance of the reputation and the measure of OCEMO’s work. In this respect, our office has also become the most representative organisation in the region, on a geographical level as much as on a sectoral one.
OCEMO is co-chaired by Assia Bensalah Alaoui (Ambassador-at-Large for HM King Mohamed VI of Morocco), Philippe de Fontaine Vive (Former Vice-President of the European Investment Bank), and Mouïn Hamzé (Secretary General of the Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research). Pierre Massis is its Executive Director.
Assia Bensalah Alaoui
Ambassador-at-Large for HM King Mohamed VI of Morocco
Philippe de Fontaine Vive
Former Vice-President of the European Investment Bank
Mouïn Hamzé
Secretary General of the Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research
Our office is organised around 4 vice-presidents, each representing their own line of work:
Incarnate research by Jean-Louis Reiffers, President of Femise
Large companies and strategical operators represented by Mohamed Choucair, President of the ASCAME
Human capital and training, represented by Thomas Froehlicher, Dean and General Director of Kedge Business School
Investment, represented by Khalil Laabidi, President of Anima Investment Network