Marseille and Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur are an important hub for Euro-Mediterranean partnership, thanks to their geographical location, history, ports and close links to all regions bordering the Mediterranean. A mix of sound expertise and real, unifying projects, the strong political will of local and regional authorities, and the involvement of civil society and socio-economic players make this region an essential hub for economic development in the Mediterranean. The aim of the Mediterranean Economic Week is to raise awareness of the many actions carried out in this region which contribute to the development of Mediterranean economies. The Mediterranean Economic Week is a complete and documented contribution to the issue of economic development in the Mediterranean.
The Mediterranean Economic Week is organised by the Provence-Alpes-Côtes d’Azur Region, City of Marseille, the Urban Community of Marseille-Provence Métropole, the Euroméditerranée Urban Development Agency, the Marseille-Provence Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development.
OCEMO has been responsible for overall coordination of the Mediterranean Economic Week since 2011.
In organising this event, OCEMO offers its expertise as a network coordinator.
This event draws in public representatives (regional authorities, planners, etc.), businesses and innovation/economic stakeholders, but also representatives of civil society, such as university lecturers, researchers, artists, students, experts and stakeholders in the social and charity economy across the Euro-Mediterranean.
Since its launch in 2007, the reputation of the Mediterranean Economic Week has continued to grow, and the event has become a fundamental tool for the various stakeholders involved in Mediterranean economic development. Every year, an overarching theme is chosen to organise discussion and ensure event coherence.
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Elsa Larue de Tournemine
Tel : +(33) 495 09 47 83