
Declaration of cooperation for the HOMERe programme

Members of the regional HOMERe (1) consortium met in Marseille on 2 March, and signed the...

Rencontres Économiques d’Aix-en-Provence, 1 – 3 July 2016

The Rencontres Économiques d’Aix-en-Provence event is organised by the Cercle des économistes...

Mediterranean Debate Café: “Cyprus, advanced Mediterranean cooperation platform”

Co-organised by the Office of Mediterranean and Eastern Economic Cooperation (OCEMO), the...

Coproduction to take the Tunisian economy to the next level

Coproduction to take the Tunisian economy to the next level The Mediterranean Coproduction...

Three questions for Anne-France Didier, Director of Plan Bleu

UNCODE.initRow(document.getElementById("script-135346"));Three questions for Anne-France Didier,...

MedNC: Mediterranean Youth Employability Day: hearing from young people

The Mediterranean Youth Employability Day in Marseille at the Villa Méditerrannée on 14 April is...

Islamic Finance news

The World’s Global Islamic Finance News Provider islamic_finance_news.pdf

Cereal Issues in the Mediterranean – CIHEAM dec 2012

Bread Diversity in the Mediterranean > Cereals Price Volatility and Food Security in the...

12 propositions for action to promote innovation in the Mediterranean

In a globalised economy, developing innovation is a key factor in creating and securing jobs,...