
Since its creation, OCEMO, promoter of visibility and territorial st anding, contributes to the progress of consideration around topics concerning the Mediterranean region and a better knowledge of the area and its stakeholders through several different events.


Since 2011, OCEMO has played its part as the network host and coordinated the Marseille Mediterranean Economic Week. This event is a partner-based initiative whose objective is to set up a framework to bring together the necessary conditions to organise meetings which enable exchanges and debates on the big economic issues of Mediterranean and Eastern countries. The event not only addresses public workers (collective territorial groups, development contractors etc.), national and international political representatives, companies, people involved with innovation and Mediterranean Economic development, but also representatives from civil society: researchers, students, experts, people involved with economic and solidarity economics in the whole of the Euro-Mediterranean area. This event is a real tool to promote the area which will showcase success stories, projects and initiatives from local, Mediterranean and African companies which also value their dynamism and the ecosystem they belong to. This is the opportunity for these people to meet up and develop their business networks.

To know more about the Mediterranean Economic Week, click HERE

OCEMO also organises meetings and conferences all year long and puts the members of its network in contact with external experts. These events are built by two approaches: the “OCEMO workshops” and the “Mediterranean Debate-Cafés”.


These meetings allow people to get to know the Mediterranean region and the countries which make it up better. They are organised in partnership with consultants around Marseille and the bilateral chambers of commerce and aim to shed light on specific countries by using their economic, cultural and social relationships in the Mediterranean, especially with France and the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region.

To know more about the Mediterranean Debate Cafés, click HERE


The aim of these workshops is to get people thinking to come up with usable ideas and to present and propose cooperation programs for general interest and economic development to their members and partners, and on a wider scale to stakeholders in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region.

To know more about OCEMO’s Workshops, click HERE